Don’t panic; I am the one who is going to help you stay on track. I know you may think I am not normal, and you are correct. Yes, it has taken me years to find the right advice to get organized for the holidays.

I am the one who would buy magazines with advice on “how to get organized for your holiday dinner party” and never remember where the magazines were. I would make twenty trips to the grocery store before Thanksgiving.
On my first trip to the grocery store each year, I would grab the cart with a broken wheel, forgetting the list of food items and buying multiples of the one thing I already had in my pantry.
I am the relative still slicing a French baguette while the relatives are at the front door. I would only start looking for the serving dish for the cranberry sauce once I opened the can of cranberry while the turkey was being carved. The relatives have had to ask for serving spoons for at least three of the side dishes.
Well, let’s keep this simple. I now know how to ensure you have all the serving dishes and utensils you need. What a revelation! This is your first step, easy peasy. Put all your items on the dining room table or kitchen island. Place a stick em note on each dish with the food that will be in that dish. It would help if you had the stick-em notes because you may be buzzed while you finish cooking.