They say a picture is worth a thousand words. It may be, but it is not easy for everyone to write a thousand words. I am now being approached by writers as I write at my favorite coffee shops. “Excuse me, you’re a writer?” “How do you concentrate in this noisy cafe?” “Are you writing a book?” The most often-asked question is, “Do you get writer’s block?” It is a common problem for most writers. I do not suffer from writer’s block; I suffer from writer’s cramp. I have coined the phrase “writer’s cramp” because it is my affliction. I could write for hours, days and weeks on end. My problem is that as I write I am thinking about three other topics I could write about and suddenly my brain is overloaded and I have to stop typing. This is when I experience a writer’s cramp. I have to pause and refocus, then I am off and typing again with my thoughts flowing and my fingers tapping on the keys at breakneck speed.
Does anyone else experience this little problem? What bothers you most? Noise? The only time noise bothers me is if it is repetitive and ear-piercing music? Movement? I am good at ignoring the passing traffic out the window of the coffee shop I frequent. Yes, the traffic is at eye level but it is not loud. Home is my biggest distraction. When I try to write at home, I can only think of all the other things I need to do. And I am food distracted. I love food. I can have free access to my refrigerator. At a coffee shop, food costs money. (I know the food in my refrigerator costs money too.) I will buy an ice tea or cappuccino at cafes and work until I need to stop for a brief writer’s cramp. Oh yes, dogs…I stop typing when a pet comes into the coffee shop and looks my way. I immediately stop and embarrass myself by talking in a high-pitched voice to a fluffy puppy. What stops you from writing? What do you struggle with as a writer? And, don’t say money…because we all struggle with or without money.