Have you ever had a bad experience on a date? I have had a few. The most memorable was in the 1980s. I was asked out on a date by a fine-looking young man. I thought it was a good idea for me to recommend the restaurant. I suggested a Creperie with outdoor seating. Perfect right? We ordered our dinner and joined the other patrons at one of the tables under the starry night. The conversation was fun, and we enjoyed our crepes. Suddenly, a piece of cheese got stuck in my throat. I turned red and began to choke. Luckily, the trash can was near our table. I got up, and my date beat me on the back until I hurled into the trash can in front of everyone.

After my date dropped me off, my mother asked how the date went. I told her the whole story, and her comment was, “I don’t think you will hear from him again!” We both laughed.
I know not to eat string or melted mozzarella cheese on a date. I have also added powdered sugar, arugula, spinach, white bread, and anything that gives me gas.
You live, and you learn. What have you added to your list of uneatable on a date?