And, they called it pumpkin love…woo, woo, woo. There are many pumpkin treats and drinks for all to love. I have my favorite, and it is pumpkin cheesecake. I do make a light version of this seasonal dessert. I found the recipe years ago in Cooking Light magazine.

I know if I have more than one piece of pumpkin cheesecake, it probably defeats the “light” aspect. It’s the holidays, and it is the time to splurge. Making cheesecake is a daunting task for most young bakers. I am an old baker, and it still gets me hoping for a beautiful solid surface. I mean no lighting bolt crack on the top.
How do I keep my pumpkin cheesecake from cracking? I always make sure all my ingredients are a room temperature. And I carefully read over my recipe because it has been almost a year since I read it last. I also rewatch a great video by Sally’s Baking Addiction for the best way to prevent cracking.
Not only is it a beneficial video, but Sally gives you the same tips in a list below the video. I need visual and literal to help my cheesecake look its best for the holidays.
What tips can you share? What is your favorite pumpkin delight?
How to prevent cracks in cheesecake!