Well, it’s a virtue but it’s not a priority. It is so hard to be in traffic knowing you will not be able to find hand sanitizer once you arrive at your grocery store. Living in Sarasota, Florida…the cars race past the water and beautiful Marie Selby Botanical Gardens instead of slowing to enjoy the scenery. I finally make it to the supermarket. I jam on the brakes when I find the best parking space. I no longer look at the flowers in Publix at the front of the store. I hustle to grab a cart and find the paper goods aisle. Seconds later, I score big, but I am in trouble. I am being judged because I have a shopping cart full of toilet paper. I am a toilet paper hoarder…and for good reason. I have been out of toilet paper, yep. I know my priorities in a pandemic. I usually get compliments on my outfit but now the focus is on my Charmin tissue. The woman next to me has Scott tissue and we are sizing each other up. She can’t be having house guests or she would have gotten the extra strength Charmin tissue. Now I notice she is giving me a “loser” look. I guess she thinks Scott has it “all over” my choice. I am so glad I wore my workout clothes and didn’t waste my new capris on her. I need to slow down and realize being a hoarder is not an attractive look, but I got my tissue. The next day, two friends ask if I can buy toilet paper for them. I can’t give up my Charmin. I go to CVS to find some toilet tissue. Score! They only have Scott tissue 4-packs. On the side of the package, it says, “Lasts up to 4 weeks.” Wow, I had no idea! My friends love me. I also grab dryer sheets and Swiffer dusters. I love dusting and doing laundry when not going to the powder room. Good luck out there and remember that patience is a virtue.