Help! I am trapped in my own home with electric and running water. I have food and clothing and great connections to the outside world. Please know I am fine, but I do want to share my current emotional state with the world-at-large. I believe it could be pending…pending the next virus update. I wake up calm and then I pick up my cell phone. I read Facebook posts and begin a reality check. I turn on the TV and try to decipher all the information. How much do I watch? Just enough to gain the necessary lifestyle changes? Do or don’t I wear a face mask? I now go back to Facebook and add the following emojis: toilet paper, a yellow circle with face mask, and cleaning products. My phone starts to ding with all the latest advice on how to stay safe. I check in with Governor Cuomo in New York and he is asking for volunteers. I am one person who will not complain or feel sorry for myself. I remember being in the hospital for eight weeks confined to a bed. The hospital workers are the ones who are trapped, confined, and it is by their choice. When I was trapped in the hospital, I could hold my baby, after he was born. The medical professionals, during this pandemic are separated from their families. I couldn’t imagine. I feel lucky to live in a home of my own, with my son. The medical community is our best and brightest. Thank you for your hard work and dedication.