Time to get your Mum plants! Mums are so popular because they are easy to grow and provide a variety of colors. I love to drive by homes that have created their porch decor with mums as the centerpiece.

With the fall, change comes in many ways, chillier temperatures, shorter days, and trips to the garden center. I look forward to making my home feel, look and smell like fall. I look for full mum plants with closed buds at the garden center. You want your plant not to have bloomed so it will last longer.
Make sure to water your mums every other day and at the base of the plant. I used to walk out of my home and gab the hose and hose the hell out of the tops of my mum’s. I learned the hard way that that’s not the way. Now, my plants like me better, and they live longer.

What color is your favorite? Can you guess the best-selling color? Tell me the color and mum’s the word until I hear from you.