Where have you landed in your home? What is your work schedule? Have you been over indulging with a new Netflix series?
I am residing in my bedroom which doubles as my office. I usually write in a local coffee shop where food is provided and beverages too. This place, my home, is not as accommodating. I have to get up and get my own food. Am I really complaining? No. I like being at home and working. But, I am also sharing space with my son who is home from college.
My son, Grayson, has chosen the kitchen table for his work space. All his classes are online. His class times are the same here as at school. I have to be a little more self disciplined. The TV is in my room but I am in control of the channel changer. I don’t watch daytime television. I do watch the evening news and then try to turn it off immediately after the news has ended. Then I get back to my swivel chair and portable desk and type. I know it can be hard to be disciplined. Do you pick up your cell phone and find yourself in a Facebook or Instagram daze? I know the feeling. I have to get up and take a quick break. I go and dig around the kitchen for chocolate. I have no sweets right now in the house and I consciously am aware my search will be futile. But, I have old habits that are comforting. Looking for chocolate is one of my habits that interrupts work. I talk to myself as I head back to the computer. “You know you weren’t going to find sweets. Sit back down and get to work.”
The advantage of being your own boss- I will not be written up for being a slacker. I want chocolate, dark chocolate.