Last week I talked about Mums, and now it is time to make a hot cider and begin the indoor decor. I have one cabinet with all my fall and Halloween decorations. I have scaled down as I have moved from state to state. Moving helps control my holiday spending habits.
I always start by putting all my decor items on my center island. I removed the large blue and white pot on my sideboard and replaced it with two pitchers. The pitchers are part of the centerpiece arrangement. My sideboard has always been my favorite to decorate.

I love fresh and dried flowers and have used both in my decorating. This year for Halloween, I am using fresh flowers. Our Fresh Market supermarket has fall flowers in yellow, orange, and red. The tiny bouquets are suitable to fill my small pitcher and last a surprisingly long time. I arrange all fall first and then add the Halloween decor.

After October 31st, I will take away all Halloween decorations and add more items for fall and the Thanksgiving holiday. And I will drink more cider and eat desserts.