Do you shop at T.J.Maxx or Marshalls or HomeGoods? No, it is not a trick question. I know you are “in-like” with these stores. I love those stores. I have to put restrictions on how often I shop at the big three, no, I’m not talking about the basketball teams that consist of the big three, I am referring to the big three of shopping.
I don’t have a Marshalls or T.J. Maxx or HomeGoods credit card. If I had this credit card, I would be in debt.
I love small local stores and I do make a conscious effort to shop at those stores. I shop local small stores for my clothes. I shop at the big three for all the items I don’t really need but love to have in my home. Holiday items float my boat; give me a Christmas themed throw rug and I get goose bumps. A new lamp for my son’s room with an ugly white shade. I just call my friend Linda and she makes a custom shade for my inexpensive lamp, and it is(becomes) designer perfect. I also do all my son’s college room shopping at HomeGoods. Freshman year I took Grayson with me but now I leave him at home and whip through at lightning speed. I really can stop at any three of the stores and I will find twin long sheets, a comforter in a single set with pillows and be in the checkout line before you all the other shoppers have even made it past the jewelry counter. The jewelry counter is at the front of the store, ok, you knew that, of course. Kitchen items, did I just hear you swoon? It is the best…dishes, glasses, stem-wear, cookware, linens…I mean dishtowels and napkins. All my bed linens are Ralph Lauren and they last forever. Well, not forever, cause we all know if we can shop for new we will. I could get a credit card…boundaries, yes boundaries.
Where do you like to shop? Do you have any favorite discount stores?