How far did you travel this summer? Did you drive to your state’s beach or shore? This summer, I stayed close to home. I have seen many friends on Facebook and Instagram traveling to different destinations. I have also seen an increase in overseas travel. What were the trends for summer travel in 2022?

Careful Planning and budget-consciousness were vital to travelers this summer. After two years of scaling back or no vacations, folks were excited to travel. I was in the budget-conscious group. I am lucky to have a pool in our community to do staycations. Where did that word come from, staycations? The term became popular in the summer of 2008 because high fuel costs made travel much more expensive. Sound familiar?
I made sure the day trips my son, and I took were fun. We kept our staycations to two hours or less. This worked great, even though my son would sigh and ask, “Where are we going again?” With each little town we visited, and there are plenty, he would thank me upon leaving.

Virginia has so many small towns to visit. I think getting to know your state is overlooked.
If you stayed close to home or traveled a great distance, taking a break from the day-to-day routine felt terrific. The summer of 2022 is over, but there is still time to travel before the New Year. Plan carefully to have the best possible experience. And, don’t forget toothbrushes, we always forget toothpaste or toothbrushes, which makes my head explode every time.