I read a quote that could make a difference in your life. It has made a difference for me.
“If you are depressed, you are living in the past.
If you are anxious, you are living in the future.
If you are at peace, you are living in the present.”― Lao Tzu.
It is common to hear someone comment, “It changed my life.” The above quote may not change our lives, but it has helped me stay focused on what I am presently thinking. I always catch myself being drawn back in time to negative experiences as when my father told me I was dumb and stupid. Now, I am immediately stopping my thoughts and rejoining the present time.
I have always been a worry wort. I feel anxious when asked to do a task, even as simple as making a phone call. Where does this come from, bad experiences or just my personality? It doesn’t matter because I understand that future events make me anxious. I pull myself out of that fog by thinking of the wise words of Lao Tzu.
You may be like me, constantly fighting depression and anxiety. I am not giving up my medications. Finding any help feels good; the above quote is working for me. I will print these words and put them on my desk.
Let me know if these words help you too. If there is a quote that works for you, please let me know, and they will be posted. Words are powerful.