Do you have a place, space, or room to decompress? The word “decompress” is commonly used in our vocabulary, and it means the same as “take a break” or “relax.”

Do you remember the old saying, “You need to chill, or Man, take a chill pill!” Who wouldn’t like to take a pill and have an instant calm state? It is not that easy, especially in the stressful world we reside in today.
There are ways to help reduce stress, such as yoga, meditation, and calming music. You could do all three simultaneously, except multi-tasking might add stress to your day. Or you could find a place in your house to sip a cup of tea and be quiet.
What about outside? Is there a spot nearby where you could sit? In our community, we have a fire pit with Adirondack chairs surrounding the fire pit. The Adirondack chairs rock; I love rocking because it helps to calm me. I will be a big hit at the retirement home. “Mrs. Heckert is outside in her rocking chair.”
Find a spot inside or outside that you find comforting. I am an extrovert, but I still need quiet time to help me relax and recharge. We all need a break from our phones. Even 15 minutes would give you a chance to decompress. Don’t think about a quiet space…take a photo, and we will post it next week. You probably will inspire another to do the same.